Great Langton, which is on the way to Northallerton, is not shown on this map. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more information about the Great Langton waters plus information about exchange tickets.
For information about parking and access click on Find Out More for each beat.
Members and Guests Only (No access to day permit holders)
This beat offers 1.8 km (1.1 miles) of excellent fly water. Downholme bridge is the bottom limit. Park at the side of the road near the bridge to gain access by going under the bridge arch from the downstream river bank. Alternatively drive further on to the lay-by just before the road bends to the right. Look for a RADAS sign on a tree. You can get to the river by going through the gate on the left. There is also a designated parking area for anglers on the farm track leading to Oxque Farm.
North Bank
Downstream from Downholme Bridge for approximately 5.7 km (3.5 miles) to Lowenthwaite Farm.
Parking at Downholme Bridge for access to the upper part of the beat.
Parking at Round Howe public car park (payment required) for access to the lower part of the beat. It is approximately 1 km (0.6 miles) from Round Howe car park to the start of the beat.
Please note it may not be possible to walk the full length of the beat except in low water conditions due to fences and restrictions on crossing fields at certain places.
South Bank
Approximately 4.0 km (2.4 miles) in length and split in two by the land at Underbanks Farm which we do not have access to.
There is limited parking on the main A6108 road and limited access to the river. Take great when parking or walking along the road as vehicles do travel at speed in both directions.
For information about parking and access click on Find Out More for each beat.
Round Howe North Bank
To access the north bank park in the Round Howe public car park. The water goes approximately 500m (0.3 miles) downstream of the footbridge. It is mostly inaccessible due to housing developments and the caravan site. It can be fished when the river is low in the summer months. In places you can wade across from the south bank.
Alternatively follow the river upstream of the footbridge for approximately 800m (0.5 miles) through Round Howe Woods until you come to a large pool. The shore is very sandy. This location is known locally as Sandy Dubb and is the top limit. Look for the top limit sign.
Round Howe South Bank
RADAS waters on the south bank extend from Lowenthwaite Bridge on Reeth Road to the Green Bridge in Richmond. Approximately 2.9km (1.8 miles). Access from Round Howe car park or from The Green Bridge, Richmond.
Access from Green Bridge. There is a footpath beside the sports field which leads to the Falls. There is a limit sign on a tree as you approach The Falls which marks the end of our waters. Access to the river can be gained by scrambling down the bank at the bridge or in the vicinity of the limit sign. There is also an under pass half way along the footpath that gives easy access to the river.
RADAS waters extend from the Green Bridge , down Riverside Road to The Falls and then along the Batts to Mercury Bridge. Distance approximately 870m (0.5 miles).
There is no fishing within 50 meters upstream or downstream of The Falls from 31st August to 24th March inclusive.
For information about parking and access click on Find Out More for each beat.
The Easby Loop is a popular walk which starts at The Station /Mercury Bridge and follows the disused railway line to the Old Railway Bridge at Easby and then loops round to Easby Abbey and makes its way back up to Mercury bridge again.
RADAS hold the fishing rights on the river from Mercury Bridge to the old railway bridge on the south bank. On the north bank RADAS fishing rights are from the stone steps to Mercury Bridge.
Approximate length 1.8 km (1.1 miles).
Station Bend to Fence End
Pegs 1 - 3
South bank downstream from Mercury Bridge to Sand Beck.
Pay parking at The Station
Pegs 4 - 9
South bank downstream from Sand Beck to the old railway bridge at Easby.
Free parking at Easby Abbey or hard standing at water works.
If night fishing, please advise owner of adjacent property in advance of fishing by text or telephone 07710 199696.
Peg 10
Approximately 500m (0.3 miles) downstream of the old railway bridge from Peg 10 to to the beck in Iron Banks Wood. Free parking at Easby Abbey or at the Sewage Works.
Peg 11, 11A and 12 ( Sand Hole and Hagg Losh).
North bank from Easby iron bridge to Red House Farm top limit (access to Sand Hole downstream of the bridge). Free parking at Easby Abbey and hard standing on lane to sewage works.
Access also via Red House Farm drive, turn right at bottom of hill, continue to end of straight section and through white double gates to park at end of the farm track. The gates are often locked. If you wish to park here please make arrangements via the secretary in advance.
Peg 13 - 20
North bank downstream from Red House Farm to Brompton-on-Swale Caravan Park. Enter Red House Farm drive and at bottom of hill turn left. Park at end of straight section by sign. Access down track between fields to gate.
Beat length approximately 1.9 km (1.2 miles).
Please note:
No night fishing.
No fishing/wading in front of farm house and caravan park.
Peg 21 - 22
North bank downstream from Brompton-on-Swale Caravan Park to Brompton Lakes.
Free parking in Broken Brae lay-by.
Peg 28 - 35
North bank downstream from Bailey Bridge to Skeeby Beck.
Free parking in Brompton-on-Swale lay-by and on grass verge by gate at Bailey Bridge lane.
South bank downstream from Bailey Bridge to Brompton Scar.
Parking at St Giles Farm, off A6136 Catterick Garrison road. Park by fence as signed.
Beat length approximately 1.12km (0.7 miles).
Pegs 1 - 15 (GL)
North bank upstream from road bridge for 90m.
South bank upstream from road bridge to top limit sign.
Beat length approximately 2km (1.2 miles)
Free parking in lay-by at Langton Bridge.
Fishing on Skeeby Beck is closed until further notice to allow for recovery after the Category 1 pollution event in April 2023 which resulted in a total fish kill.
Barnard Castle Angling Club
To visit Barnard Castle AC click the link below:
Derwent Angling Club
To visit Derwent AC click the link below:
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