Anyone fishing the society’s waters must abide by the fishing rules.
1. The angler must be able to prove that they are a member, guest or that they have purchased a day permit.
2. The angler must be able to prove that they have an EA rod licence. See
3. The angler must provide either proof of membership or their ticket / permit and their EA fishing licence to a committee member, water bailiff, riparian owner or another society member if requested to do so.
Season dates
4. Trout: 25th March to 30th September inclusive.
5. Coarse fish and Grayling: 16th June to 14thMarch inclusive.
6. The river is closed to ALL FISHING from 15thMarch to 24th March.
7. Richmond Falls, no fishing within 50 meters upstream or downstream from 31st August to 24th March inclusive.
No fish to be taken from the river
8. Any fish caught must be handled carefully and returned to the river alive. No fish are to be killed or removed.
Game fishing between 25th March and 15th June
9. No keep nets.
10. No swim feeders, ground bait or maggots.
11. Hook baits restricted to fly, worm, stone fly, lures and spinners.
12. Waters below Lowenthwaite Bridge, any legal method allowed.
13. Waters above Lowenthwaite Bridge, fly and worm only.
14. No more than two rods to be used at anytime.
15. Only one hook per rod unless fly, lure, spinner or deadbaiting.
16. All keep / landing nets to be knotless and comply with EA. specification. See
17. A disgorger must be carried.
18. No dogs, littering, discarding tackle, fires or barbecues.
19. Close gates behind you.
20. Follow the countryside code. See
21. Anglers are personally responsible for any damage they cause to person or property.
22. Anglers must adhere to the Society’s safety guidelines.
Pike fishing
23. Wire traces must be used at all times.
24. Pike anglers must use an unhooking mat.
25. Pike anglers must use carry long handled forceps.
Matches and Events
26. No fishing in locations that are being used for matches or events until after match or event is over.
Catch returns
27. Day permit holders and guests must complete a catch return within 24 hours of fishing.
28. Members must complete a catch return every time they go fishing. Nil returns are required.
29. Catch returns are to be submitted using the online form.
30. Anglers must report the following:
Predator such as mink, cormorants and goosanders.
Invasive Non Native Species.
Environmental damage.
Littering and fly tipping.
Use the form at
31. Anglers must check, clean and dry clothing and equipment when they leave the river to help stop the spread of invasive non native species (INNS).
32. A committee member or water bailiff can issue a bankside warning for any infringements of the rules.
33. An angler must stop fishing and leave the river if requested to do so by a committee member or water bailiff.
34. If an angler is reported for an infringement of the rules the committee will carry out an investigation and action may be taken in accordance with the society’s disciplinary procedure.
Magnet fishing
35. Magnet fishing is NOT allowed on RADAS waters.
The above rules apply to fly and coarse anglers.
The rules can be downloaded in pdf format here.
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