Catch returns help us to manage the river. The data you supply helps us to understand fish numbers, which species are present, how productive the beats are, how often the beats are fished and more. We can then have informed discussions with riparian owners, the Environment Agency and other external organisations who we engage with. It also helps us to plan fish stocking and bank work.
Yes. Nil returns are equally important. For example if lots of anglers are visiting one of our beats and no fish are caught it indicates there may be a problem. Also if nobody is going to a particular beat do we need to keep it? Nil returns are extremely useful.
No. You must make a separate return for each location. The results are automatically loaded onto a spreadsheet. If you group returns together it messes up the system.
No. Only enter a number if you catch a fish. If no fish are caught you do not need to enter a number. This will leave a blank on the spreadsheet which is fine. So if you caught one trout put a number one in the trout category and skip the other species. If you don't catch any fish you don't have to put a zero for each species just leave them all blank.
A catch return can be completed in less than two minutes but provides vital information to help us manage the river. Get into the habit of putting them in. It is two minutes well spent.
A catch return can be completed in less than two minutes but provides vital information to help us manage the river. Get into the habit of putting them in. It is two minutes well spent.
Our rules state that you must submit a catch return every time you go fishing. If you are not doing so you are breaking the rules and you could called to account by the committee or refused membership at renewal time. Please help the club and do your bit!
The form only goes up to twenty five for each species. If you catch more you will need to submit a second form. For example, if you caught thirty Grayling. Your first form would show twenty five Grayling. The second would show five Grayling.
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