A popular location offering fly fishing for trout, winter grayling fishing and coarse fishing. Beautiful surroundings, no public footpaths, safe parking and easy access to the river.
Any legal method allowed. All fish to be returned unharmed.
Beat length approximately 1.9 km (1.2 miles).
Catch returns indicate good numbers of Trout and Grayling. Chub and Dace are present and in January 2022 the EA released several thousand Barbel here.
Fly fishing.
All pegs depending on water conditions.
Coarse Fishing
All pegs depending on water conditions.
No night fishing!
Click the image above or the link below to view on Google Maps. Click on each peg number for W3W locations.
Access to "The Sandhole"
(Peg 11) is via a path adjacent to Easby Bridge.
w3w reference: crowbar.talked.saved
As you traverse along the bank, you will encounter some stunning old trees such as the oak above. They have adapted to their environment and survived countless floods and continuous erosion.
The actual Peg number is painted on the tree.
w3w reference: shoebox.napkins.relished
The walk is worth it! When you get there this is what is awaiting you. This is a popular spot for coarse fishing , so you may find someone already there....
If you are parked at Easby, then enter by this style adjacent to "Love Lane House" (also known as "The Platelayer's Cottage"), on the north bank next to Easby Bridge. It is marked as private access (for anglers only). Follow the path about 30 yards until you get to the gate
what3words reference "goodness.bandwagon.cuff", then follow the path around the edge of the field.
This marks the Top of Peg 11A, in the "Hagg Losh" section. It is a long peg with a lot of different current seams.
what3words reference: "ports.topples.amounting"
As you follow the fence around the edge of the field you will come to this style, which is used to access the bottom of peg 11A and top of peg 12.
what3words reference: nips.secret.stun
Peg 12 is only visible when you go down the path after the style in the previous photo. This is barbel country! Also some big chub are found where the cover is.
what3words reference:
Alternate parking can be accessed by entering Red House Farm Drive and turning right at the bottom of the hill.
The gate is often locked. If you wish to park here contact the secretary in advance and he will ask the farmer to unlock the gate.
The black gates in the background belong to "Love Lane House" (a.k.a. Signalman's Cottage).
what3words reference: TBC
Downstream access to Red House Farm (Pegs 13-20) via the gates shown above. Please be respectful of the owners and any livestock present. No fishing behind the farm or caravan park until marker for Peg 13.
(w3w reference: decks.enthused.eyelash)
This is the top of peg 13. As you can see, the peg itself is on a stick that, hopefully, will withstand future floods. Either way, the start of this peg is just after the white gates at the exit to the caravan park next to Redhouse Farm (a reminder, DO NOT fish the section behind the farm and the caravan park i.e. between pegs 12 and 13). You can expect mostly trout and grayling here although there are some deeper pools to the far side towards the bottom of the peg where chub can be found.
what3words reference: scrambles.protects.launch
Peg 14 is below electric pylons - be very careful with carbon rods/poles and remember that electricity can arc so you don't have to touch the lines to be electrocuted. As long as you are careful this can be a great peg for trout, grayling and chub - look out for cover and holes for the latter.
what3words reference: smothered.coveted.perfect
Here is a close-up of the warning signs on Peg 14; there are two, either side of the power lines
Continuing downstream, peg 15 offers good mixed coarse and fly fishing.
what3words reference: fury.irony.routs
Also good mixed coarse and fly fishing here.
what3words reference: rectangular.engages.sits
Proceeding downstream, just after another set of farm gates (please make sure to close after you pass through). Mostly trout and grayling.
what3words reference: elated.routine.outbursts
Another nice stretch of water for fly fishing. A good chance of trout and grayling and some chub to the cover.
what3words reference: hike.baseless.meant
A great peg that has a history of winning matches with chub from the far bank alders. Also good head of trout and grayling to go after. This is the peg adjacent to the river.
what3words: possibly.sharpens.answer
There is also a peg on the fence, after coming through the farm gate.
what3words: weedy.blacken.slab
This peg is high up on the bank. As can be seen in the photo, there is a large gravel island that splits the river; the near channel gets very low . Far channel is fast and shallow - trout and grayling.
what3words: drop.jumbo.taxed
The wire fence in the foreground is the end of peg 20 and the Red House Farm stretch. There is another caravan park in the distance (Brompton-on-Swale).
There is parking for pegs 13-20 by entering Red House Farm lane and turning left - see the P sign above on the fence pole.
what3words reference: relay.saved.switch
Anglers who wish to access Hagg Losh (Pegs 12, 11A and 11) from Red House Farm can do so by walking upstream along the bank side behind the caravan park and farm buildings, using the gates shown above. Please be respectful of the owners and any livestock present.
Fishing starts again at Hagg Losh Peg 12.
(w3w decks.enthused.eyelash).
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